Giving to others is not only an essential network marketing technique; it is a fundamental ethic. Givers Gain. Why give to others first? The reason is simple. In order for any relationship to develop and stand the test of time, it must be benefiÂcial to both parties, and both parties must give to the relationship.
Think about it. What's one of the most valued commodities in a network marketing business? Time! No one can stand the thought of wasting time, because there's never enough of it. So, if it turns out that a relationÂship is only one-sided, what has been wasted? Valuable time. (OK, sometimes a lot of money, blood, sweat, and tears as well.)
By giving to others first, you take the initial step in building two-way, win-win network marketing relationships. You're being proacÂtive and positive. You're leading by example, modeling the behavÂior you hope others will adopt.
A second way to become an active giver in your network marketing business is to position yourself as the gatekeeper to a tremendous resource of services. If you become the "go-to person," people will seek you out for help, thus providing you the opportunity to activate your network as a true giver. One successful strategy that I recomÂmend is to compose a letter and send it out to your client list sevÂeral times a year. If it's more convenient and appropriate, you could send out a quick e-mail to your database, but send it at least once year as hard copy, just to stand out from everyone else who's emailing your clients.
The purpose is to engage your clients to contact you so you can put the referral and the contact together. Your goal is to build relationships, not just become a glorified phone book. Implementing this strategy helps you become known as an effective networker, a gatekeeper, and an honest giver. Along the way, you also build your credibility throughout your network marketing community.
I am a network marketer who works with others to achive success online. For more network marketing tips visit my blog at
Think about it. What's one of the most valued commodities in a network marketing business? Time! No one can stand the thought of wasting time, because there's never enough of it. So, if it turns out that a relationÂship is only one-sided, what has been wasted? Valuable time. (OK, sometimes a lot of money, blood, sweat, and tears as well.)
By giving to others first, you take the initial step in building two-way, win-win network marketing relationships. You're being proacÂtive and positive. You're leading by example, modeling the behavÂior you hope others will adopt.
A second way to become an active giver in your network marketing business is to position yourself as the gatekeeper to a tremendous resource of services. If you become the "go-to person," people will seek you out for help, thus providing you the opportunity to activate your network as a true giver. One successful strategy that I recomÂmend is to compose a letter and send it out to your client list sevÂeral times a year. If it's more convenient and appropriate, you could send out a quick e-mail to your database, but send it at least once year as hard copy, just to stand out from everyone else who's emailing your clients.
The purpose is to engage your clients to contact you so you can put the referral and the contact together. Your goal is to build relationships, not just become a glorified phone book. Implementing this strategy helps you become known as an effective networker, a gatekeeper, and an honest giver. Along the way, you also build your credibility throughout your network marketing community.
I am a network marketer who works with others to achive success online. For more network marketing tips visit my blog at
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